Benz CLA45 AMG 2014
$ 2000 is a deposit, and you can choose the pick-up location.
Benz CLA45 AMG 2014
🔸 Genuine imports from Yat Fung
🔸 2 owners
🔸 Sunroof
🔸 Black leather interior
🔸 AMG bucket seats
🔸 Yat Fung service records
🔸 HRE 19-inch wheels
🔸 IPE exhaust system
🔸 RES titanium alloy tips from mid to tail
(Originally in black, wrapped in Lime Green, high visibility, impressive sound, fast car)
Kwai Chung store
💰 Cash price: $178,000
💰 Financing price: $168,000
1 in stock
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